Metal Roof Repair in Tampa, FL

What Causes Metal Roof Damage?

“Nature breaks what human makes.” In Florida with our unpredictable weather conditions, no one is exempt from roof damage. It is also possible that human error AKA shotty workmanship is still present underneath and very much a cause for concern. We’ve encountered countless roofs with outlandish and highly concerning issues during the tear-off process, in most cases from previous poorly executed roof installations or simply lack of maintenance resulting in the breakdown and degradation of your roof. Because every roof is an integrated system that structurally support other elements of your home or business. Roof X knows the ins and outs of all these integrated systems; and with that knowledge we strive to make your metal roof repair and/replacement a success.

When to Repair your Metal Roof

There are several signs and notifiers, as we call them that you can look out for when deciding if it is necessary to call a professional regarding your metal roof repair and/or replacement. Some of these signs include:

  • Missing flashing

  • Degraded and crumbling rubber boot around vent pipes and stacks

  • Damaged rooftop ventilators

  • Fastener installed improperly

  • Loose drip edge


Contact Roof X today for your Metal Roof Repair and/or Replacement needs!