Insurance Claims


Navigating homeowners insurance claims after a natural disaster leaves many people feeling confused and hopeless. Insurance companies are not always friendly and ready to help make your property whole again. Many times they are mostly concerned with their bottom line and not what is best for your home.

Florida Roofers Experienced With Insurance Claims

Here at Roof X in Tampa Bay, we are well-versed in the insurance claims process and are partnered with the best public adjusters and law firms in the insurance roofing restoration industry. Having served homeowners in Hurricane Matthew, Irma and most recently Hurricane Michael, we are experts in the entire process from start to finish. Many times, we are able to navigate your claims through this difficult process without the need for a P.A. or law firm. We do so simply by negotiating with the insurance companies and bringing the damage to light. When an insurance carrier knows the homeowner has an educated advocate on their side that won’t accept a mediocre settlement offer, they are less likely to try to repair your roof verses replacing it with a brand new one.

Contact Roof X

Here at Roof X in Brandon, Florida we will review your claim and roof damage to get you the money you are entitled to from your insurance carrier. We handle commercial as well as residential properties damaged by wind, hail, hurricanes, and tornadoes. No matter where you are in the insurance process, give us a call today and let us provide you with a free assessment.